June's Blog

1. 修改nav.pug
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官网下载jerryc127/hexo-theme-butterfly: 🦋 A Hexo Theme: Butterfly (github.com),我下载的版本是4.5.1
函数,可以将其改为btf.scrollToDest(0, 500)
2. 添加nav.js
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3. 添加nav.css
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1. 修改nav.pug
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| nav#nav span#blog_name a#site-name(href=url_for('/')) #[=config.title]
#menus !=partial('includes/header/menu_item', {}, {cache: true}) #mask-name-container(style="z-index: -1") center(id="name-container") a(id="page-name" href="javascript:rmf.scrollToTop()") PAGE_NAME ...
2. 修改nav.js
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document.getElementById("page-name").innerText = document.title.split(" | June's Blog")[0]; }
3. 修改nav.css
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